
What is Acupuncture?

The Physician uses different acupuncture techniques to stimulate specific acupuncture points on the body to “open the meridians, regulate the qi and blood” to bring the yin and yang organs into balance, thus achieving the effect of disease prevention and treatment.

Effectiveness of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has the effect of “dredging the meridians and regulating the qi and blood” so that the meridians can function normally. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that most diseases are caused by the imbalance of Yin and Yang in our bodies and Acupuncture has the function of restoring balance.

Who should avoid Acupuncture?

  1. Patients with pediatric obstructive hydrocephalus, brainstem motor neuron disease, brainstem stroke, hepatomegaly, pernicious anemia, septicemia, polycystic kidney, ovarian cysts, severe varicose veins, post-fracture dislocation, parasitic diseases, or psychiatric series diseases.
  2. Women in their third trimester of pregnancy should not have acupuncture points on the abdomen. Women who are more than three months pregnant should avoid Acupuncture on the abdomen, lumbosacral area, and a few acupoints that promote blood circulation, for example, the Sanyinjiao, Hegu, Kunlun, and Zhiyin. Acupuncture should also be used cautiously when a woman is menstruating.
  3. Avoid acupoints on the head and neck when the fontanelle of a child is not yet closed.
  4. Patients who often have spontaneous bleeding or bleeding that does not stop after an injury.
  5. Areas with skin infections, ulcers, scarring, or tumors.